So as of late my camera's battery decided to completely give up on me. It's dead and there's no reviving it. It really puts a damper on my listing things to sell in addition to outfit posts. I can't really blame this problem on my absence since March(?). That's another story but I've decided to dig into my archived outfits that I never got around to posting. They're all pretty much from the winter. It is a little bit of a downer because all anyone seems to be thinking about(including myself) is Spring but they are outfit posts nonetheless.
Top:Ivory Lace Bodysuit(Strawberry's)
Skirt:Black Denim Circle Skirt(H&M)
Tights:Black Opaque(H&M)
Shoes:Black Suede Ankle Wedge Boots(Office)
Bag:Vintage Quilt Chainlink purse(Thrifted)
Hairclip:Velvet Bow(Ann Belen)
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