Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Alexander Wang

So it seems that the boy who has a penchant for black, metal, and leather gave everyone a slap in the face by bringing back color to Spring/ Summer 09. It seems that muted colors are gonna be huge in Spring/Summer 09. Very light shades of pastels made the rounds at the Alexander Wang show and it seems like they were a hit with the fans.
His grungy aesthetic, which made him famous, is still very present but just gave the Alexander Wang girl a bit of color and fun to her otherwise "gray" closet.I know i've seen the crop top and high waist shorts look before but something about this seems really fresh.My likes are the mesh/lacey body suit,tattered "homeless" sweater,and those amazing, insane, impractical sandal/boot hybrids. Things I could do without; leather croptops and leather du rags.

On a complete side note that has nothign to do with anything, I have to divulge.
As I was browsing the party photos at Style.com I noticed that Style.com hsas just outed one of the biggest street artists/graffitists in LA and NY's identity, which he's been known to be super secretive about.
Photo credi: Style.com

1 comment:

Unknown said...